With the days getting longer and the weather getting warmer, there’s no better time to give your home a good Spring Clean. It gives you the opportunity to declutter your home, get rid of some items you’ve been holding onto, and rearrange other bits and pieces to give you more room.
With a personal storage unit, you can do even more. Think of it as a holding area for your belongings while you do all those changes you’ve always wanted to make to your house, but never had the room. These are just some of the ways a self-storage solution can help you out.

Make some space
For most of us, this is the main purpose of spring cleaning – getting rid of unwanted items and freeing up some room in the home. However, there is a way to declutter your house without resorting to selling, donating, or otherwise disposing of your belongings. With a self-storage unit from the Weston Centre in Crewe, you can put items to one side, safe in the knowledge that they will be there for you when you need them. Why not put all your Christmas decorations, your winter wardrobe, or your heavier duvets into storage, giving you plenty of room to play with? Alternatively, why not transfer some of your books, DVDs, CDs, or other media collections for the same reason?

Renovation and refurbishment
Spring isn’t just the ideal time for cleaning house, it’s the perfect opportunity to make a real difference to your home. If you’ve been planning to remodel a single room or the entire house, what better time than now? You can store bulkier items that take up a lot of space in a self-storage unit, saving you the trouble of working around them. With 24/7 access to your unit, you can work on one room at a time, swapping items over as you move from room-to-room.

Redecorating is another popular way to give your home a fresh lease of life, but it can be awkward navigating around furniture and other obstacles. If you’re planning on decorating the entire house, a personal self storage unit in Crewe serves a double-purpose. You can store your bulkier items, or those that you want to protect from splashes of paint and wallpaper paste. You can also store your decorating materials for when you need them – ideal if your supplier offers discounts for bulk purchases!

Flexible self-storage solutions
Many spring projects are not intended to be long-term, so we don’t tie you down to a lengthy contract. You can hire a personal storage unit for as little as a month. If your project ends up being bigger than you expected (perhaps a simple renovation becomes a brand new house extension), you can upsize your storage unit to accommodate more of your belongings.
However you plan to utilise your spring cleaning time, a personal self-storage solution will make life easier for you. Contact the Weston Centre in Crewe today on 01270 250 022 for our current availability, or send an email to hello@westoncentre.co.uk for a free, no-obligation quote.